Friday, February 5, 2010

Clothes Pulleys Bangalore I Have Bought A Clothes Airer That You Attach To The Ceiling, My Mother Had One And Called It A Pulley.?

I have bought a clothes airer that you attach to the ceiling, my mother had one and called it a pulley.? - clothes pulleys bangalore

I can recommend to save power, above the boiler in the laundry to dry for all in a position overnight. This is known as a laundress.


Angela M said...

Pulleys Urr fabulous. It My Nana years waan HUD, I wiz fascinated by her. Later, my son a HUD in the kitchen, and she swore at her. Staying with him, you never look back!

Original... said...

And your opinion?

k² said...

Yes, it is useful to have. But most people do not play enough to serve with high ceilings, or large enough for it. Some have finally into the kitchen, a real pain, such as clothing, which must be taken every time (you cook it unless that is you do not like the clothes of the smell) of onions.

We had one in the kitchen when we are in the apartment. It was Minging with grease from the kitchen, the previous owner. It also blocks some light in the kitchen and instead of a sense of claustrophobia. Finally, we took him down and just use the hanging folds of metal and those radiators.

So yeah, great if you have the space.

Anyanswe... said...

I know what you think .. I saw them at traffic lights.

cruising... said...

I think that occupy much space, but I would like to see. All that energy saving fine. Cool

stuart d said...

I prefer my washing machine in the garden with my clothes run safely in the hands, turning to get into the air to the authentic taste of the fresh air.
Sometimes I even have the radio so that she could dance to the music as it cascades through the garden ..........;-)

Heather F said...

You do not know where you live, but I live in Scotland and pulleys were popular years ago, I remember my grandmother has one, the old houses still. They are a great idea! Sounds like a clothesline.

Happy Man said...

I have the usual kind, but I remember the block, in fact, I was in a house that we had last week.

Perdita Durango said...

I thought it was "clean Shiela"
and yes, they are really good
keep everything the way
(not sure what your question is yes!)

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